Release Notes for Kiralux Compact Scientific Camera Firmware V1.0.17 - Updates 08/15/2021 Summary: 1) CS235xU, CS135xU Only. Firmware update fixes SFR parameter initialization error. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V1.0.15 - Updates 07/06/2021 Summary: 1) CS505MUP Only. Firmware update corrects a bug that caused polarity angles to be reported incorrectly. 2) CS505xU, CS895xU, CS135xU frame-rate increase. 3) CS126xU minor bug fixes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.0.10 - Updates 05/19/2021 Summary: 1) CS126MU, CS126CU Only. Firmware upgrade increases full-frame ROI frame rate to 21.7 fps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.0.8 - Updates 03/02/2021 Summary: 1) The reported frametime parameter was double the exposure time, in nframes > 0 mode only, and only on 5MP, 8.9MP, and 12MP models. That had the effect of causing the host system to wait too long for a frame to complete. The frametime parameter is now equal to exposure time plus readout time. 2) Fixed a Frame Rate Control bug where the maximum fps rate was not being updated correctly when the roi is changed. Only on 5MP, 8.9MP, and 12MP models. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.0.7 - Updates 02/10/2021 Summary: 1) Added new models. 2) Added new internal commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.0.6 - Updates 11/10/2020 Summary: 1) Enabled Frame-Rate Control Support in conjunction with ThorCam and SDK. 2) Fixed bug: In nframes=0 mode and maximum exposure time, first frame took 3x too long to deliver from camera. 3) Fixed bug: In nframes>0 modes and maximum exposure time, actual exposure time was in micro-seconds, not 10s of seconds as it should have been. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V0.9.3 - Initial Production Release